Gus Stefanis candidate for MP Scarborough-Guildwood 2019


The Canadian Nationalist Party is today announcing the candidacy of Scarborough-Guildwood resident Gus Stefanis. This is the party’s second candidate to be successfully nominated and the first candidate to be nominated in Ontario. The Canadian Nationalist Party is excited to see the progress of its Ontario constituency and the groundswell of support the movement has attracted locally by participation in a number of street-level demonstrations.

Gus Stefanis lives in Scarborough-Guildwood with his wife and son. He worked as a Business Analyst and IT specialist before he turned his attention to politics after he “realized that current and past governments were spending too much on foreign aid and not putting the needs of Canadians first.”

Mr. Stefanis has gained the respect and trust of his fellow Canadians as a political activist supporting the Yellow Vest Movement and others seeking a platform to voice worrying policies of the current government.

Gus has proven he is willing to fight in the front line and be YOUR VOICE as a Member of Parliament for Scarborough-Guildwood.


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